UFOs Over Afghanistan
Talesc From The Grid Square
By Nick Orton
I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2013. One night I was manning the front gate with another Soldier who witnessed a UFO that had somehow infiltrated out airspace undetected. What we saw was three lights hovering silently above a traffic circle for several minutes.
When I say silent, I mean that it did not make a single noise even though it was maybe 200 meters away and 250 meters high. At this point in our deployment, we were very familiar with what various aircraft look and sound like during the day and night as they would provide support during our patrols. I believe the three lights we saw were the part of one object.
Whatever it was, it was also invisible to the naked eye. We could only see it under our night vision. We snapped some pictures of it through one of our NVGs and a GoPro. As soon as we decided to take pictures of it; it flew off. I looked at a map of where we were and approximated measured the distance it covered. It moved about five to six miles in maybe 10 seconds.

Hello, Mission Essential Gear Company blog readers!
Allow me to introduce myself in my inaugural entry (the first of many) to the MEGco blog. I am “Nick Orton” founder and sole operator of Tales From The Grid Square on Instagram (@tales_from_the_gridsquare). I am a current active-duty member of the US Army. I have had a long-standing interest in the paranormal, that and experiences my fellow Soldiers and I have had during our time in service spurned me to start Tales From The Grid Square. I consider myself in the niche of “paranormal military historian” (a term I made up), and there are some truly incredible stories out there among members of the armed forces.
I created Tales From The Grid Square to anonymously document paranormal stories (like the one you have just read) from service members in the armed forces. I’m hoping that I can contribute in my own weird way to elevate veteran/military voices and tell those “war stories” that otherwise may never get told.
If that story above intrigued you, you can read more like it in the book, “Tales From The Grid Square Volume I.” A collection of 240 such stories from across the branches of the US Armed Forces as well as foreign militaries available on Amazon as a paperback or on the Kindle App.
If you have a story that can be considered paranormal, strange, weird, and simply “not normal;” please reach out to me to share your story. I always keep the source anonymous, because I understand. You can direct message me on my Instagram account @Tales_From_The_Gridsquare or email me directly at: TalesFromTheGridsquare@gmail.com.